Alumni are very involved in students' academic careers.
This contribution can take the form of teaching or project submission.

1- Teaching
If you have a specific area of expertise and would like to lead a conference or apply for a lecturing or teaching position, please let us know.

2- Consulting missions
Let the students carry out consulting missions and applied research projects. By team, the EMLV, ESILV and IIM students solve your problems. The supervising of the professors-researchers guarantees the seriousness and the quality of the work done.

4th and 5th year projects

Companies can ask students to work on real problems related to their organization and development in each of the specializations of the three schools of the Pole Leonard de Vinci.

Cross-disciplinary projects

The three schools of the Pole Leonard de Vinci have developed a transversal pedagogical approach that also applies to projects submitted by companies and allows students to work in multidisciplinary teams (managers, engineers, designers) beyond the boundaries of their own programs.

Submit your research problems to us:

Take advantage of the expertise of our teacher-researchers and doctoral students in our school's areas of expertise, while benefiting from the resources of our research laboratories:

  • Business Group (performance and change)
  • Finance Group (quantitative finance)
  • Modelisation Group (digital methods, management and information analysis)
  • Digital Group (big data, digital transformation, artificial intelligence)

Contact us for more information.