Devinci Higher Education: an Olympic hackathon to reinvent sport
For its second hackathon, Devinci Higher Education is keeping up with the times by associating itself with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Why this strategic choice? Because these sporting events raise crucial ecological, social and ethical issues. In response to these challenges, the schools want to raise awareness among its students and encourage them to work together to reinvent sport.
Devinci Higher Education's commitment to sport and society
For 25 years, the schools have been promoting sporting values. Sport is compulsory for all students and assessed on behavioural qualities. Devinci Higher Education also has a SHN (Sportifs de Haut Niveau) programme, supporting students in their quest for academic and sporting excellence.
Hackathon 2024: For a Sustainable and Responsible Sport
In this Olympic year, a hackathon dedicated to sport was an obvious choice. Inspired by the IT sector, this event encouraged team innovation over a limited period of time. Nearly 1,300 students from management, engineering and digital studies at Devinci Higher Education schools took part. Their challenge? To co-construct solutions for sustainable and responsible sport.
Sustainable Development Goals and Sport
Participants crossed-reference the five dimensions of sport (athletes, practices, infrastructures, events, governance) with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This approach enabled participants to understand the societal challenges of sport and to develop soft skills that are highly sought after on the job market.
Pedagogical Innovation: Mastering Artificial Intelligence
The hackathon included lessons on the use of generative artificial intelligences such as ChatGPT. Students worked alternately without and with these tools, learning to maintain a critical mind while taking advantage of these technologies.
The balance between study and sport is essential for performance. By organising this hackathon in conjunction with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Devinci Higher Education was not just keeping up with current events, but also actively contributing to the debate on more sustainable and responsible sport. In this way, it prepares its students to become agents of change in an ever-changing world.

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